Start Up Business Websites@3000

Start Up Business Websites@3000

Features Included

  • Domain
  • Hosting
  • 5 Page Responsive Website Design (Template Based)
  • SSL Certificate
  • One year maintenance
  • Social media integration
  • Other: Search Engine submission support, sitemap submission support, google business listing support
  • Logo Design
  • Website content development
  • Premium domains
Start Up Business Websites@3000

Starting your own business is never an easy task, and growing it can be even harder. You’ll often find that your to-do list is never ending. With the task list piling up it can be tempting to take shortcuts. After all, you probably won’t want to add to your workload!

Create a Website for your Business

Your online presence is something that you definitely don’t want to take shortcuts with. In this day and age, establishing a business in a physical location simply isn’t enough to guarantee any sort of growth, in most cases. With the online world growing and growing, it’s more important than ever to establish your business online.

Customers are using the internet more frequently than ever to find the products or services that they need. In fact, 97% of all consumers used the internet to find a local business, with 12% of consumers searching for a local business every day!..

What may surprise you though, is just how many small businesses don’t have an online presence. In 2018 it was estimated that as much as 36% of all small businesses don’t have a website. While some specific industries will succeed fine without a website. For many small businesses this illustrates just how much potential there is for growth in the internet landscape.

SMEs need to have a website

For small or local businesses in particular, establishing a website is vital for attracting a loyal audience and growing your reach. Failing to create a website for your business not only means that you’re hindering your own progress. It also means you run the risk of being overtaken by your competition.

In this post we aim to show you exactly why it’s so important to create a website for your small business, and what the benefits are.

Benefits of having a website for your small business

Now that we’ve covered the basics of designing a good website. Let’s go over some of the biggest benefits you can expect to see when you launch a website for your small business.

1. Help build your credibility

As a small business you’ll probably be inclined to start up pages on social media platforms. And while that can be a great way to build your brand presence and reach more potential customers, you’ll be restricted by the platform’s branding, control, and flexibility. Social media pages are easy to set up, with little to no validation required. They don’t necessarily guarantee the legitimacy of a company – a website is the best way to do this.

Having a website for your business reassures your users that your business is legitimate. It gives you a chance to show your potential customers why your business is valuable, as well as what you can offer them. You can also use your website to display reviews and testimonials from current or former customers. Which can help further reassure your customers and build their trust in your brand.

2. Bring in new customers

Perhaps the most obvious benefit of having a website for your business is the potential for acquiring new customers. Traditional marketing methods like print advertising, direct mail, or cold calling can be unreliable and very expensive. Getting yourself online allows you to reach more people both locally and outside the region you’re operating in. And doing so, spending less money on direct marketing campaigns.

As we already established earlier on, most consumers find new businesses and products over the internet. So you don’t want to miss out on this. If your business lacks a website then you’re simply preventing a huge portion of potential customers from easily finding you. Meaning you’re likely to expand your business less as a result.

Existing customers will also be better served by using a website for your business. With the ability to update your business information at any time, you’ll be improving your customer communication. This will leaving you more time to focus on other business tasks. This in turn helps build customer loyalty and ultimately trust in your brand.

3. Start a new marketing campaign

When you’re looking to start growing your business and expanding your reach, you’re going to need a website. In this day and age, traditional offline marketing campaigns are simply not enough to get you in front of your potential customers.

A website is the foundation of any successful online marketing campaign. Social media profiles are a great idea however they shouldn’t be used to substitute a website. Due to the algorithms in place on social media platforms, it’s harder to control your brand’s visibility and get meaningful interactions from your users.

No matter what type of marketing campaign you’re running, whether it’s display advertisements, guest blog posts, email newsletters, or search advertisements. They will all ultimately link back to your website, because that’s where you’re showing your products or services. Without this online presence to link back to, you run the risk of losing credibility and eventually customers.

Showcase your products or services to the world

If you’re providing a product or service over the internet, then what better place to showcase that than your website?

Your users are going to want to see exactly what they’re investing in before they make any sort of decision, and your website is the perfect place to do that. This is where you can really flex your creative muscles, and get your users engaged in your business. You want your users to look at what you’re offering and be captivated. You want to catch their eye and peak their interest.

Depending on the type of product or service you’re providing, you can do this in a variety of different ways. For many industries, you’ll need to produce and showcase stunning imagery, text, and video content that’s related to what you’re offering. For some products, you’ll need to provide them with the detailed information they’re looking for. Remember that this is the best opportunity you’ll have to gather interest in both your product and your business.

Gather customer information

Not only can a website be used as a great starting point for growing your business, it can also be used to better understand your audience, as well as the audience you’re trying to appeal to.

Having a website for your small business presents you with the opportunity to collect information and learn more about your customers. Email newsletters allow you to collect customer email addresses. You can then use to communicate with on a regular basis through newsletters. These newsletters can also be used as a powerful marketing tool by sharing special offers, promotions, or new products.

Using analytics tools you can also gather information on the amount of people using your site, as well as how they interact with your website. This information will give you an understanding of your website’s strengths and weaknesses, therefore identifying any possible issues. With this information, you can make improvements to your website, and tailor it to their preferences.

Websites are worthy investments for any small business

In conclusion, a website is an indispensable tool for any small business. Not only is it crucial to the growth of your business, it’s also an important way to build trust in your brand. And ensure that you can maintain a loyal customer base. Not having a good website for your business means that you won’t be reaching a huge portion of your potential market. And there’s a good chance you’ll fall behind your competition!

In order to get your business online with a good website, you’re also going to need to choose a good hosting provider. Here at AUHost4u, we offer a variety of hosting plans, suitable for any type of business. Take a look for yourself and feel free to reach us via the Live Chat or email!



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